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Level 1 Korean

How do you say 'ready-to-eat food' in Korean

'Ready-to-eat food' in Korean is 즉석섭취식품 and there are tons of them in Korea, especially in the convenient stores.

Some of the most common ready-to-eat foods in Korea are 김밥, 샌드위치, and 도시락. 

When you buy those ready-to-eat foods you normally see the term '즉석섭취식품' printed on the food label.

The term 즉석섭취식품 is all in hanja and it is not really a everyday word. It is more like a jargon or legal term to specify/categorize that the food is ready to eat without any further preparation or cooking. 

We can break down 즉석섭취식품 into 3 hanja words.

  • 즉석(卽席): instant
  • 섭취(攝取): intake
  • 식품(食品): food (for human)

즉석섭취식품 means 'ready-to-eat food' in Korean