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Level 0 Korean

What does 냉삼 mean in Korean?

The Korean word 냉삼 is a short word for 냉동 삼겹살,

which literally means 'frozen pork belly'.

As a restaurant menu 냉동 삼겹살 is usually very thinly sliced and served.

It is much thinner than regular 삼겹살.

In fact, it is relatively so thin as if someone shaved the pork using a plane(tool for wood).

The Korean word for a 'plane' is 대패,

so some people say 대패 삼겹살 instead of 냉동 삼겹살.

They both are frozen and thinly sliced, so practically the same thing.

However, as Korean 대패 삼겹살 sounds a bit cheaper than 냉동 삼겹살.

Maybe 대패 삼겹살 is evn thinner but you know the thickness is relative measure...


Anyway, 냉동 삼겹살 or 대패 삼겹살 used to be much cheaper because it is frozen meat.

But, these days more and more new 냉동 삼겹살 restaurants are popping up,

and they are not so cheap at all.

Personally I like 냉동 삼겹살 because it takes a very short time to cook each slice.

How about the taste?

Hmm, 냉동 삼겹살 is not juicy at all, just oily.

The well cooked 냉동 삼겹살 is like crispy bacon.  


냉삼 is short for 냉동 삼겹살 which menas frozon pork belly