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Level 1 Korean

[K-QUIZ] What is this Korean caution sign for?

I was walking by the parking area in 성수동 and saw this sign.

It says 주의!!! 차 트렁크 문 여실 때 조심히 열어 주세요. 

(it says 열여 주세요 on the sign but I think that's a typo. It should be 열어 주세요)

Can you guess what this sign means in Korean?

and why someone had to hang this sign on the stair railing?


caution sign in Korean

So, let's break it down word by word 

주의!: caution!

차: car

트렁크: trunk

문: door

여실 때: when you open - this is a very polite form of 열 때

조심히: carefully 

열어 주세요: please open

All together the sign means "Caution!!! when you open your car trunk please open it carefully." in Korean.


The sign was somewhat puzzling first time, but soon I realized that

many people must have scratched or made damage to their cars

when they open or close their trunks.

Why? because due to limited parking area people tend to park their car very close to the stair,

and when they open the car trunk

there is a great chance that the part of trunk would hit the stair or the railing.

and many people complained about it and this sign with a typo is the result!


caution sign in Korean