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Level 1 Korean

What does 신선식탁 mean in Korean?

First of all, 신선식탁 does not appear to be grammatically correct because

식탁 means 'a (dining) table' and it is a noun,

so, we expect some sort of adjective or equivalent form to come before the noun 식탁.

신선 however, is a root word of the descriptive verb 신선하다. and 신선하다 means 'to be fresh' in Korean.

So, in order to make an adjective form from 신선하다 we need to attach '한' after the root word 신선.

신선 + 한 --> 신선한 and it means 'fresh' or 'refreshing'.

Therefore grammatically 신선식탁 should be 신선한 식탁 and it means 'fresh table' in Korean.

If I have to translate 신선식탁 in English it can be 'freshness table' which sounds weird.


fresh table in Korean


Then, why some restaurant franchise named their brand 신선식탁?

Didn't they know 신선한 식탁 is more(?) correct word?

I'm sure they knew about it.. not only that,

I think they were very smart about naming their brand shop name.

Why? Yes, 신선식탁 is grammatically weird but it is an unique name and not ackward at all 

Also, I can feel, tell, and expect what this brand/shop is about;

"We serve very fresh food!". 

At least to me, the name 신선식탁 stood out! 

Indeed their salads were not that bad.

Their salads were fresh but maybe need more of root vegetables, beans and nuts

or even some fruits as options.


Image that there are two salad shops next to each other.

One of them is named '신선한 식탁' and the other is '신선식탁'.

Which one would you go just by looking at their names?